Monday, April 18, 2011

(Part of the) DOD Clears McChrystal (Kinda)

Nearly a year and untold taxpayer dollars later, the Department of Defense's inspector general (DODIG) has finally released its findings (PDF) on the Rolling Stone-documented antics of Gen. Stanley McChrystal and his Afghanistan staffers. Their conclusion: Meh. Whatever.

McChrystal, you'll recall, fell on his sword and was replaced in Afghanistan by Gen. David Petraeus after the "runaway general" was documented flipping subordinates the middle finger, drinking Bud Limes, and holding forth over a court of subordinates that called official functions "fucking gay" and badmouthed their seniors, from the US ambassador in Afghanistan up to Vice President Joe "Bite Me" Biden and President Obama. The military's findings on l'affaire McChrystal came last week in the form of a short memo to Army investigators, quietly dropped on the DODIG's website. In it, military inspectors write that "the evidence was insufficient to substantiate a violation of applicable DoD standards with respect to any of the incidents on which we focused...None of the matters we reviewed warrant further investigation."

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